The Case Against Evolution
Preface. To many who believe in evolution, the basis for their stance is really a belief that somehow, if enough people voice support for this theory, that it must be fact. The following treatise is not only my argument against evolution as a legitimate possibility, but proof that a creator is the only first cause for the universe and all that exists. What follows is a biostatistical look at DNA and Polymerase which must exist simulaneously for life to begin. I’m working under the assumption that if these two molecules could ever exist in close molecular proximity, then life would spring into being. I sought to answer the question for myself as to whether there could have been any statistical truth for the theory of evolution. What I found in my treatise below, I was unable to find anywhere on the net in my search prior to its recent writing.
Primordial Soup. As I was growing up in the Bible belt in Arkansas, we were just starting to get some science classes introducing the theory of evolution. It was properly taught as a theory then, and not yet with any weight of fact. Those first lessons seemed to be carefully crafted so as not to step beyond the boundary of theory. Whether or not the teachers themselves believed in evolution was inapparent, unimportant, and mostly assumed at the time.
Evolution, however small its initial support, was already becoming a serious undercurrent threat to faith-based Christianity. Bible-believing Christians hold that God created all things in six days and rested on the seventh. As time went on, of course, there was a serious shift in the numbers from those who believed in God’s creation toward proponents of evolution.
Today, there has been a sharp reversal between creationism and evolutionism. Any serious academic scientist risks career and reputation if they openly reject evolution. It is also more socially acceptable—perhaps even a social requirement in certain circles—to stand with the evolutionary crowd.
While these changes were occurring during my primary and secondary education, the basic idea of life’s beginning in a primordial soup has remained mostly unchanged. What is this primordial soup anyway, and what does this have to do with evolution?
The primordial soup, as I was taught then, was first coined by Soviet biologist Alexander Oparin in 1924, [1] was considered the evolutionary beginning of all life. Chance occurrence of a single-celled organism is its foundational truth. It other words, there is no primary cause of life. The necessary chemical processes of life just happened all by themselves in a process called abiogenesis. [2]
During the early phase of the Earth’s formation from a congealed mass of solar dust swirling around our Sun, there were massive amounts of heat generated by the gravitational forces within its matrix. Molten rock was spewed from the warm crust through a pock-marked surface as a result of volcanoes and lava streams. Muddy water puddles collected in surface depressions. The air was a warm, moist incubator for these ‘birth pools.’ Somehow, the necessary nucleic and amino acid components for DNA and Polymerase came to be present in these primordial incubators.
Lightning strikes, as I was originatlly taught, into or near these pools provided a source of high energy that caused these acid components to assemble into two essential molecules, DNA and Polymerase, in the precisely correct order. The interaction of DNA and Polymerase spontaneously generated the first one-celled organism. This organism then began to grow and multiply in these warm birth pools.
The generation of each of these one-celled organisms from base components is what I call primary evolution. More recently, evolutionists have begun to deny that evoluation as proposed by Charles Darwin in his original Origin of Species even so much as hinted that evolution theory had anything to say about the origin of life. I’m fairly certain that Darwin’s comments of the origin outside of the Christian idea of creation was greatly influenced his early upbringing. [3] He studied medicine initially but was then sent to become an Anglican parson. He was Unitarian by upbringing. It is clear that he is the major source for the idea that life arose spontaneously.
In the primordial soup theory, these one-celled organisms began to replicate themselves. At first, the replicated descendants were identical clones of the parent organisms. One-celled organisms then became larger and larger groups of coherent cells. As time went on, the process resulted in subtle ongoing changes. Organisms like the simple pond Amoeba eventually began to contain more highly specialized cell groups called tissues such as nerves, cardiac and skeletal muscle, and so on.
From simple organisms like the Amoeba began the process of what I term secondary evolution which is the same as transmutation of species. (Evolutionists today seem to prefer to separate out primary evolution and secondary evoluttion as something different, probably within the last twenty years. It certainly was not the case for sure some fifty years ago in my public school education.)
All along the evolutionary train of history, the surface of the earth became littered with the remnants of animals and plants that had been ‘born’ and died along the way. Embedded within the earth and preserved by local weather conditions, they became the fossils we dig up today.
As the primordial soup bowls cooled and the earth became less volcanic at the surface, the window for primary evolution subsided. Secondary evolution took center stage. Animals and plants not only became increasingly complex, they could slowly change and branch into different and more advanced animal and plant species altogether.
The similarities between those branching species are still apparent today. Sparrows nest and have little sparrows. They are similar to other birds because they have feathers and beaks and lay eggs, but in our world now a sparrow’s egg only produces sparrow chicks. As each complex species branches, it cuts the cords of its evolutionary path so as to proceed on to a higher order. These are not smooth shifts though, but sudden, brief interruptions of the evolutionary process that abruptly propel the change of one species into another, higher order species.
In the caboose of the evolutionary train is man who is evolution’s highest developed creature. He is the descendant of apes who were in turn descendants of their less advanced ancestors. Thus the evolutionary train spanned from mankind all the way back to the first one-celled, primordial-soup organisms.
Man’s brain has some two trillion connections between four billion neurons. While he has much greater thinking power, he is also more physically fragile than less evolutionarily developed organisms that preceded him. He thrives best in social groups. He needs to create clothing and dwellings for protection from the same environmental conditions that spawned him in the primordial soup. His life depends on killing and consuming other less developed creatures.
From these social groups then, springs the process of social evolution. Man created the family structure, local tribal architecture, government systems, as well his religious social structure. He began to ask himself “How did I come to be?” For some reason he carried a burning inner desire to know the purpose for his being.
As mankind gained more knowledge, men conclude that mankind is nothing special. Mankind relinquishes the pursuit of why and how and why of existence. There is no real why or how. Mankind is purely evolutionary chance—just a fly in the primordial soup. Or is he?
Statistical Improbability. The process of primary evolution is by no means as simple as it may seem. Early research into DNA, by Watson, Crick, and others, confirmed in 1953 confirmed the amazing structure of DNA. Further research since then has shown DNA as the primary map of all the proteins required for life. It has only been since then that mathematical analysis and probability could even be applied to this molecule. The question is this: could DNA, the abolutely essential part of life, ever occur by chance? Let me present a mathematical thought experiment.
In my description of the primordial soup, I made several assumptions. The most critical one is that the twenty-one amino acids required as the building blocks of proteins like Polymerase, and the four nucleic acids required for DNA, are present in abundance throughout a myriad of primordial soup bowls scattered over the earth. I will also accept as given that the precise temperature, moisture, oxygen, and all other vital environmental conditions were not only favorable, but exactly as required. I chose the simple pond amoeba with the most DNA links to give an advantage to evolutionists. To go from RNA (maps of single proteins) to DNA (a map of all the proteins), or from a much simpler and shorter DNA, to this monstrous 670 billion base pairs of the one-celled Amoeba would increase the improbably of spontaneous life by unimaginable orders of magnitude. The shortest route to life would be an Amoeba with a full complement DNA from the start. These are broad, unrealistic assumptions, but ones which will give the advantage to the proponents of evolution.
Some life is extremely tough and thrives in even difficult environments, but even so, within a narrow range of extremes. I once tried to raise salt water fish in my own aquarium. The key to success is in the quality of the water. The vastness of the ocean makes for a stable metabolic environment. Ocean creatures often can only tolerate narrow ranges of salinity and low levels of their own metabolic waste. Most of my fish died—some very quickly—as the conditions deteriorated in the small tank.
While I will make the greatest assumption that new life in the primordial soup was hardy, I must also conclude that the primordial soup bowl was at least somewhat conducive and stable enough for the creation of DNA and also Polymerase, the protein that replicates DNA. Again to give the proponent of evolution the advantage, I will assume that soup bowl chemical makeup is entirely safe and poses no risk like poor water quality does for most salt water fish.
I would like to focus your attention only on the creation of DNA and this one protein called Polymerase. DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. It is an encoded map which Protein Polymerase uses to make all of the necessary protein in an organism. Because Polymerases are enzyme proteins, one single Polymerase molecule can perform its specific chemical manufacturing functions over and over again hundreds or thousands of times. Without enzyme engines, life is simply not possible.
One single copy of the enzyme DNA Polymerase can make hundreds and hundreds of copies of DNA. One single copy of Protein Polymerase can produce hundreds upon hundreds of proteins from the multiple maps encoded in a strand of DNA. Both types of Polymerase are necessary for cellular replication and reproduction.
The nucleic acid components of DNA must be in a very precise order so that its protein maps produce a functioning protein molecule. If there is an extra nucleic acid in the link or if one is missing, then any protein made from that defective DNA map, will also be defective.
Let me review this again. DNA is strictly a map for making all proteins in the body. Copies of DNA can only be made with a special protein enzyme called DNA Polymerase. Proteins can only be made by reading the encoded DNA map. DNA alone can make nothing. DNA Polymerase alone cannot make DNA. It can only copy an existing DNA molecule. The map for making DNA Polymerase is also encoded in the DNA! Protein Polymerase must use the DNA map to make new copies of DNA Polymerase.
So what are the chances of the spontaneous formation of DNA or Polymerase in the primordial soup if we assume that all we need to do is get the right sequence of amino acids in Polymerase, or nucleic acids in DNA?
Since man is in the evolutionary caboose, let’s not take human DNA or Polymerase into consideration for my example. No one could seriously think that a full-fledged human body would rise complete out of the muddy primordial, evolutionary soup. I will start instead with the simple amoeba, a one-celled pond water organism. It is precisely such a one-celled organism that evolution proposes to be the precursor to all living organisms.
You would be mistaken if you thought that an amoeba was really simple just because it is only a one-celled organism, however. The length of the amoeba DNA chain is 670 billion nucleic acid links. Human DNA has only 2.9 billion nucleic acids in its chain. Human Polymerase has greater than 1500 amino acids. Amoeba Polymerase only has around 150 amino acids or more. Again I’m giving evolutionists the advantage by using a smaller Polymerase molecule since human polymerase has chains of around 1500 to 2000 amino acids.
What would be the chances that a strike of lightning in the primordial soup created either the exact combination of molecules to form the 670 billion nucleic base pairs of an amoeba DNA, or the smaller 150 amino acid links of its Polymerase? I’m assuming, quite unrealistically, that each strike would produce the exact molecular length required. It is also important to assume that the entire length of the DNA and Polymerase is formed at once, rather than being added to over time. I am assuming also that both correct combinations of DNA and polymerase their creation must be simultaneous. These are again all advantages to the evolutionist’s argument.
On average, lightning reportedly strikes the Earth fifty times every second. We need to know how long it would take at a rate of fifty tries per second to get the exact combination of molecules in the proper order to produce a functional DNA or Polymerase chain. In order to give the advantage to the evolutionist, I will increase the possible lightning strikes to 50,000 per second. I will further assume that each lightning strike creates a complete chain with an order of molecule links which is never repeated in any previous or future lightning strikes.
For skeptics, it must be remembered, that I’m using the lightning strikes here to frame the idea that there is one chance in so many chances of DNA being created in the correct spontaneous order. Opposition would probably arise with the idea that there might have been 100,000,000 possible variations of DNA that would be compatible with life. Perhaps so, but you will soon see that even if that is the case, it doesn’t change anything in my argument.
While the universe is not more than 16 billion years old, it is 45 billion light years from the edge to edge due to the expansion of the universe since the Big Bang. Let me assume that age of the universe is 45 billion years, increasing the time and thus the number of chances possible for the spontaneous creation of these molecules. Again I am giving all the advantages to the evolutionist.
So here is a summary of what I’ve said above.
Hypothesis: All life arose by chance and without outside intervention within the life of the current universe.
1. The working age of our universe will be 45 billion years, not 13 to 16 billion years or the 4.5 billion years of Earth’s estimated age. I use this because the currently expanded universe would take light some 45 billion years to cross from one edge to the other. This also gives the advantage to proponents of creation by chance.
2. Lightning strikes the earth 50,000 times a second, not 50 times per second. This also gives the advantage to proponents of creation by chance.
3. All necessary amino and nucleic acids are readily present in unlimited quantities in all the primordial pools. The also gives the advantage to proponents of creation by chance.
4. Each time lightning strikes a pool it produces the exact 670 billion nucleic acid base pairs of the Amoeba DNA or the minimum 150 amino acid DNA Polymerase protein necessary for replication of that DNA. This also gives the advantage to proponents of creation by chance.
5. Each time a complete combination of nucleic acids or amino acids creates a DNA strand or Polymerase protein, that sequence is never repeated. This also gives the advantage to proponents of creation by chance.
6. Once a single DNA strand and a single Polymerase protein are created in this primary evolution, then it is assumed that life takes off into secondary evolution to create all known species of life on earth. The also gives the advantage to proponents of creation by chance.
Let me summarize now what we are going to look at. We want to know what the separate chances are at any one point when a lightning strike would produce a correctly ordered DNA or Polymerase molecule which will never be repeated, and from which life springs into existence as a one-celled organism like the Amoeba. How long would it take for this to happen?
The answer to this question is cold, hard math. I suggest you follow along at the same math at Wolfram Alpha [4] where I ran these calculations using these calculators shown here. I have no relationship with the creators of this web site and simply found it by doing an internet search.
So lets have a brief lesson in how these statistics work. What we are looking at is the order of the molecules in DNA or Polymerase. This is called a combination, but more specifically, since the order of the molecules matters, it is called a permutation. DNA and Polymerase functionality is absolutely dependent on the correct order of their respective components. Another important point is that the nucleic acids in DNA can be repeated just as the amino acids in Polymerase can be repeated.
This differs from how the Powerball lottery works, because the order of the numbers you select do not matter. You simply have to get all the numbers correct in order to win. DNA however, must be in the correct sequence of nucleic acids. This difference is what makes the permuations of DNA different from the combinations of a lottery.
The mathematics is really not complicated for DNA and are given by the following equation.
N R which in English is N raised to the power of R
N is the number of options to choose from; there are 4 different nucleic acids which can occupy any link in DNA
R is the number of times you have to choose; this is the length of DNA, i.e. the number of nucleic acid links in the chain
Example: Lets say that in order to win the DNA “lottery” you were using coins, and N is 2 because coins have only 2 sides. You have five chances to toss the coin, but the order of that it comes up heads or tails matters (which it doesn’t in a Powerball lottery). The chances of getting the right combination would be the following.
2 5 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2
2 5 = 32
The chances of winning a coin toss, then with the correct order of heads and tails is 1 in 32 tries. For DNA with a ‘four-sided’ coin and five nucleic acids links, it would be the following. Notice how much larger the number is simply by going from a two-sided coin to a ‘four-sided’ coin with the same number of tries. Doubling from 2 to 4 results in a number that is 32 times larger! Getting the right combination in this case happens in 1 try out of 1024.
4 5 = 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4
4 5 = 1024
Here is what makes the numbers for DNA so much bigger than those for the lottery. There is a staggering difference between possible lottery number choices and the Powerball lottery, which doesn’t have to be ordered correctly, and which has no number repetition. [5]
4 2,900,000,000 = the number of tries for an ordered human DNA
4 670,000,000,000 = the number of tries for an ordered Amoeba DNA
For DNA, we are going to calculate the permutations for 670 billion nucleic acid bases linked in the chain. Each position can be one of only four specific nucleic acids. Polymerase will only have 150 amino acid positions, but there are 21 possible amino acid possible for each. Here are the calculations and the results.
Permutations of Nucleic Acids in Amoeba DNA
Types: 4 different nucleic acids
Number: 670 000 000 000 nucleic acids in the DNA chain
Ordered: Yes
Repetition: Yes
Short Answer: >3.999 × 10403,319,988,190 possible unique nucleic acid permutations, i.e., one chance in this many tries
Full Answer:
( ( 4 2,900,000,000 ) 231 ) ≅
4 670,000,000,000 ≅
39 994 967 421 848 910 515 830 891 485 929 873 539 200 859 478 110 890 046 870 902 973 811 397 920 013 154 264 044 806 966 368 766 890 560 334 898 057 354 957 460 991 513 009 979 218 569 129 129 153 483 557 828 349 006 800 907 063 281 876 506 271 581 554 720 007 349 513 619 281 699 834 915 654 215 605 813 999 586 134 578 638 487 562 271 060 398 541 468 204 808 466 449 370 220 154 689 313 785 035 081 434 537 109 678 931 650 139 920 672 226 961 937 056 370 747 827 436 399 579 577 781 894 369 126 135 235 359 981 612 583 174 092 148 572 812 451 396 985 949 322 349 982 431 102 855 445 850 644 170 231 780 263 633 773 563 838 153 350 354 671 412 015 814 688 687 757 112 841 366 058 246 513 133 149 198 310 558 695 664 549 451 809 175 129 782 380 919 010 406 793 851 191 468 769 106 636 250 539 681 518 630 619 043 314 949 500 544 367 822 279 572 636 349 791 238 595 690 784 888 003 137 361 102 179 098 490 441 663 804 960 541 478 602 696 942 715 681 369 118 620 958 194 379 850 952 001 014 269 432 698 697 003 874 158 995 944 986 700 364 628 432 578 820 520 177 129 985 885 387 365 616 434 349 366 446 933 301 873 657 503 190 681 971 557 734 329 146 263 760 242 892 262 023 603 324 535 364 050 902 887 137 448 125 229 547 998 486 942 139 172 417 409 720 398 399 068 282 603 135 163 …
~ followed by 403,319,987,229 more digits ~
possible unique nucleic acid permutations, i.e., one chance in that many tries
Permutations of Amino Acids in Amoeba Polymerase
Types: 21 different amino acids
Number: 150 amino acids in the protein chain
Ordered: Yes
Repetition: Yes
Short Answer: >2 x 10198 possible unique amino acid permutations, i.e., one chance in this many tries
Full Answer:
2 152 257 401 894 210 849 885 399 868 533 172 047 094 163 420 920 727 026 962 278 759 017 034 895 319 568 745 161 079 062 558 145 992 014 802 928 189 547 119 043 302 873 473 685 146 590 883 138 249 855 396 449 099 342 449 700 439 725 977 978 670 553 308 554 873 001
possible unique amino acid permutations, i.e., one chance in that many tries
So how many tries would there be in the lifetime of a 45 billion year old universe at a rate of 50,000 tries per second, so that each try was successful and all molecule order combinations were unrepeated? If we use the working age for the universe as 45 billion years, there have only been this many chances to get the correct combination of either DNA or Polymerase.
Seconds in 45 billion years:
1 419 120 000 000 000 000
[60 secs X 60 min X 24 hrs X 365 days X 45 000 000 000 years]
Lightning strikes at 50/second:
70 956 000 000 000 000 000 secs per 45 billion years
[1 419 120 000 000 000 000 sec X 50 strikes/sec]
Lightning strikes at 50,000/second:
70 956 000 000 000 000 000 000 secs per 45 billion years
[1 419 120 000 000 000 000 sec X 50,000 strikes/sec]
So for one Amoeba-sized Polymerase molecule to occur by chance it would take far greater than 30e+174 universes that were 45 billion year old to get the correct combination just once at 50,000 tries a second, with the given that no combination was ever repeated and that the Polymerase molecule would also be the exact same length each time. The exact number is shown here rounded to one decimal place.
[Polymerase permutations / 70 956 000 000 000 000 000 000 secs = Polymerase chances] ;
( 21 150 ) / ( 45,000,000,000 x 365 x 24 x 60 x 60 x 50,000 ) ≅
30 332 282 004 259 130 304 490 104 692 107 391 159 227 738 611 544 154 503 668 171 247 210 030 093 573 041 675 983 413 137 129 291 279 311 163 653 384 451 195 717 104 592 616 341 769 418 838 974 150 958 290 336 255 460 421 957 829 161.4
sequential universes, each of which is 45 billion years old
For one Amoeba-sized DNA molecule to occur by chance, the number would be greater than 5.636 x 10403,319,988,167, an enormously larger figure shown here.
[DNA permutations / 70 956 000 000 000 000 000 000 secs = DNA chances] ;
( ( 4 2900000000 ) 231 ) / ( 45,000,000,000 x 365 x 24 x 60 x 60 x 50,000) ≅
563 658 709 930 786 832 908 152 819 859 206 741 349 580 859 661 070 100 440 708 368 197 353 260 048 666 134 844 760 231 218 907 025 347 544 039 941 052 975 892 961 715 894 497 705 882 083 673 391 305 647 976 610 138 773 337 097 120 495 469 111 443 451 642 144 531 111 021 186 111 108 784 537 660 178 220 502 841 001 953 022 133 259 516 757 714 619 503 187 958 854 310 408 848 020 670 405 797 748 394 518 216 036 835 206 771 099 553 535 602 725 096 356 282 354 527 135 638 981 616 463 468 830 953 353 278 586 165 815 612 255 117 145 112 080 901 564 307 260 123 489 908 991 926 022 541 375 650 320 906 361 410 784 623 901 626 897 702 102 072 712 836 346 675 245 049 849 383 299 031 205 909 480 990 320 738 352 763 623 436 347 198 393 020 037 521 575 610 383 995 628 998 132 205 438 675 182 515 075 279 308 735 259 080 485 786 974 242 739 476 289 145 898 159 299 264 272 095 170 077 275 175 617 314 661 177 214 635 320 550 207 755 208 899 838 529 732 247 718 566 730 906 398 047 394 892 623 798 825 084 541 081 851 769 533 174 713 719 775 137 105 143 734 434 299 807 345 198 226 892 237 674 535 618 784 132 889 422 651 467 151 342 831 776 843 879 716 250 405 325 030 896 076 774 385 880 480 354 739 597 597 630 195 124 155 082 001 338 042 437 178 214 805 237 025 749 313 413 990 855 79 …
~ followed by 403,319,987,206 more digits ~
sequential universes, each of which is 45 billion years each
But that is not all. Remember that both DNA and Polymerase must occur simultaneously just once in the same primordial soup bowl. The probability of both those molecules occurring simultaneously anywhere in the universe is these two numbers multiplied together. That number is greater than 1.213 x 10403,319,988,366 and is shown below (full precision calculation from previous unrounded full precision divisions).
[Polymerase chances x DNA chances = Chance of DNA & Polymerase together] ≅
( ( 4 2900000000 ) 231 ) x ( 21 150 ) / ( 45,000,000,000 x 365 x 24 x 60 x 60x 50,000) ≅
1 213 138 630 590 677 892 932 439 232 544 113 978 356 042 893 310 515 470 587 354 884 785 190 946 663 886 454 877 947 136 820 150 012 849 616 484 277 489 993 587 557 735 752 822 103 372 435 009 930 486 200 930 686 398 780 792 892 871 323 435 996 165 686 511 170 252 372 627 388 106 076 186 198 592 680 061 056 402 848 366 364 861 920 134 363 381 851 269 684 489 377 847 834 219 285 617 382 296 577 332 488 647 841 225 953 762 909 530 734 531 692 364 073 980 176 573 965 966 984 768 220 139 064 428 815 093 824 283 460 948 118 787 098 141 157 456 365 514 426 707 324 122 895 952 651 809 414 822 138 652 828 987 080 579 854 529 453 887 967 928 943 486 803 719 535 225 122 340 732 074 749 450 955 137 497 562 427 439 506 807 065 963 811 548 165 437 990 127 167 939 388 030 197 369 494 305 177 823 044 300 185 031 942 772 630 104 828 338 026 882 230 046 522 628 841 084 885 648 125 259 534 255 339 689 076 973 658 575 033 315 745 016 512 997 042 890 694 321 091 998 434 283 456 844 937 908 979 042 073 409 996 882 550 883 931 538 433 209 310 533 809 355 808 910 990 743 257 343 964 149 628 210 782 576 987 759 202 451 017 378 747 983 291 078 304 706 967 688 721 746 177 323 999 556 077 259 292 000 587 097 633 502 985 949 847 128 818 899 799 260 070 328 913 424 728 511 749 213 826 424 5 …
~ followed by 403,319,987,405 more digits ~
sequential universes, each of which is 45 billion years, would have to have occurred in time for DNA and Polymerase to be present simultaneously just once
One other concession makes the math even more stunning. I have assumed that both DNA and Polymerase must also be in immediate and close molecular proximity in order for them to interact and life to begin. The chances of spontaneous and simultaneous DNA and Polymerase creation coupled with the chances of their close molecular proximity within one primordial soup bowl across the vastness of a universe that is 45 billion light years across, are not only beyond incalculable—they are unimaginable.
Addendum, October 22, 2015. I’ve had a few people try to compare these numbers the chance of winning the lottery. So I though I would present you with the math for that comparison. The Powerball lottery allows you to choose five numbers, each from 1 to 69 and a sixth number that can range from 1 to 26. You are not required to match a particular number in any particular order. Here’s the way this stacks up. [6]
Types: 69 different numbers for the first five numbers chosen and 26 different numbers for the sixth number chosen
Number: 6 numbers, the first five from 1 to 69 and the sixth from 1 to 26
Ordered: No
Repetition: No
Short Answer: 1 in 292,201,338
Full Answer:
Odds for the first five numbers are 1 in 11238513
Odds for the sixth number are 1 in 26
Odds for both are 292,201,338
[11238513 X 26 = 292201338]
By comparison, a person is this many more times likely to win the Powerball lottery than for DNA and Polymerase to occur together just once by chance:
[ (DNA Chances X Polymerase Chances) / (Chances of Winning the Powerball Lottery) ] ≅
4 151 721 682 365 047 530 796 861 828 689 210 103 329 653 108 263 711 888 230 145 218 517 756 912 748 587 259 644 742 409 838 486 136 054 642 173 738 061 369 135 680 466 161 390 757 808 354 080 604 812 976 354 976 166 402 061 077 733 064 439 274 284 522 650 509 739 871 989 867 842 686 559 493 415 735 355 244 686 964 323 088 972 029 739 177 244 463 095 800 366 861 591 284 771 206 685 515 918 401 894 821 740 485 069 078 509 522 535 911 631 220 402 125 537 757 030 961 873 914 376 874 410 699 751 193 794 411 316 011 660 832 254 978 042 425 857 630 790 269 370 101 662 217 414 801 192 371 070 315 402 967 070 193 839 613 867 387 177 973 596 217 710 692 753 690 351 419 064 111 454 374 828 889 857 778 688 294 163 481 233 155 625 767 696 400 616 721 772 738 560 793 414 975 291 777 429 088 374 141 189 541 821 820 037 764 867 552 858 457 076 024 910 339 831 644 045 673 904 906 142 265 013 651 953 493 018 086 642 140 275 706 117 789 909 103 327 563 548 295 588 004 061 284 773 918 143 314 737 571 153 753 178 744 458 492 309 960 638 546 199 296 855 406 291 776 608 009 043 285 591 074 914 183 236 860 329 511 738 982 450 340 399 505 899 266 987 503 283 512 501 155 364 317 859 753 466 604 593 669 237 864 691 043 782 445 406 936 842 292 146 076 103 571 520 019 910 891 762 673 668 9…
~ followed by 403,319,987,396 more digits ~
Conclusion. For those who want to argue specific points about the theory of evolution in my discussion, please refrain yourself from arguments and focus on the mathematical calculations. You must be very clear that I am mocking the theory of evolution as educated idiocy. My 30+ years in medicine caring for many children with genetic aberrations, that tinkering with, or changes to DNA are wholly detrimental. They never go from worse to better as you can see in Sickle Cell Disease where the subsition of one incorrect base pair results in devastating disease. [7]
There is only one mathematical conclusion. There is, and was, a creative force before all that we know and see and experience, that is responsible for everything. No part of creation happened by chance.
This creative force is not some ethereal power ‘rolling on through time.’ The stream of the cold numbers in my calculations burns with the hot blood of true life. His life, this creative one, is himself, and he requires no sustenance for his existence. He is not dead, and he never will be.
He must be far beyond everything that we know, see, touch, imagine, or perceive. Our life is totally dependent on him. He has personality, heart, and emotion, and he must be far more intelligent than we could ever grasp. He has purpose in his creative act, and he has plans for us.
What is his goal for us? A more critical question though, is why he should have any goal for us to begin with? Why do we savor creativeness, and why do we yearn to create? Why do we long for personal fulfillment?
We are like our creator, and yet we are also different from him. He needs nothing and we everything. We will find our answers only in him.
IMPORTANT ADDENDUM: Careful review of the statistics reported in both the first iteration of the Evolution video and in this original article revealed that there was a fault in the calculation from the Math Is Fun website where I had done my previous calculations. The number of unique combinations of the four nucleic acids in any particular DNA is given by the following.
number of unique combinations of nucleic acids in a strand of DNA = NR
where N is 4 (there are only four different nucleic acids in DNA), and R is the number of nucleic acid links in the DNA strand
I discovered that the Math is Fun website correctly gives the following answer for a DNA of 6700 links, as verified by Mathematica by Wolfram here. Notice the solution that Math is Fun webite gives for a DNA with 670,000,000,000 links, as in the Amoeba DNA, is significantly stunningly smaller!
46700 = 6.3 X 104033
4670,000,000,000 = 3 X 10616
The newer calculations in this revised article represent, barring any non-mathematical typographical error, the corrected calculations based on WolframAlpha. I highly accurate web implementation of Mathematica and they represent a solid, well-respected, and advanced mathematical tool.
- ‘Primordial Soup.’ Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, November 17, 2015. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Primordial_soup&oldid=691122313. ↩
- ‘Abiogenesis.’ Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, January 4, 2016. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Abiogenesis&oldid=698178699. ↩
- ‘Charles Darwin.’ Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, January 2, 2016. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Charles_Darwin&oldid=697856547. ↩
- WolframAlpha.com http://www.wolframalpha.com ↩
- Combinations and Permutations, http://www.mathsisfun.com/combinatorics/combinations-permutations.html. ↩
- Lotteries, http://www.mathsisfun.com/data/lottery.html ↩
- ‘Sickle-Cell Disease.’ Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, December 30, 2015. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sickle-cell_disease&oldid=697497844. ↩