I describe the events of the Last Passover described extensively detail day by day every move Jesus made from the time he came to Lazarus’s house in Bethany, on a Thursday to dusk Saturday one week later when he was raised. I explain why Palm Sunday is on a Saturday, the demise of the fig tree on Sunday, the Last Supper on Tuesday evening, and Jesus’s death on the cross Wednesday, with extensive detail and Scriptural reference. I debunk the notion that Jesus’s crucifixion was on Good Friday which does not allow for “three days in the grave,” as Jesus said.
I show how Jesus’s ministry, the First Passover in Exodus, and the ancient Jewish wedding tradition explain the events from his baptism in the Jordan to his death in Jerusalem. I show how the Last Supper was not a Passover meal, that the bread was really the bride-price of his broken body, and that the wine represents his blood on the chuppah cloth which proves our purity. Jesus dies on April 3 AD 30 and I show why I think so.
There are three parts to an anciet Jewish wedding ceremony, the shiddukhin, the erusin, and the nissuin. The erusin was the Last Supper. The nissuin is the great wedding feast yet to come.
The related essays address basic Christian apologetics: How We Became the Bride of Christ, Dating the Last Passover, Eternal or Timeless, The Mathematics of God, The Astronomy of God, and Our Spiritual Anatomy.
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